Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Can You Help a Colleague?

You have noticed some subtle signs that someone is struggling. So, what can you do help? It starts with kindness; but also remember that this person’s wellbeing isn’t YOUR responsibility.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Raising Issues at Work

Do you sometimes WISH you could say something to a colleague, but you don't know how? It may feel easier to keep quiet, but this can often lead to resentment and issues further down the line.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Understanding ‘Transference’

It was great to meet with Emma April recently, to discuss the concept of 'Transference' and how it influences our professional and personal relationships. Emma's Resilient Lounge Podcast features a range of individuals, discussing meaningful and important topics that impact on our daily lives. Check out the podcast and other episodes using the links below.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Dealing With Difficult People

Even if we have 20 colleagues who we get on well with, if there is ONE who we find difficult then they can take up so much of our thinking, our time and our emotional energy.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Trusting Your Gut

One of the difficulties with a ‘gut feeling’ is that it can’t be quantified - and, of course, we’re not always right. But as you learn from each thing that happens, you start to develop more intuition that is based on this experience.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

The Pressures of Leadership

Being a leader is one of the hardest things to do. You may not have realised it at first, but becoming a Team Leader isn’t just a change in responsibilities. It is a change in STATUS. How you are perceived by others, and how YOU perceive yourself.

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Is Your Manager Unreasonable?

For your workload to become realistic and achievable (assuming you are proficient at your job), you need to feel able to have honest, frank conversations with your manager. So, the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOU is the most important factor

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Colleagues Are Human Too!

Remember that your colleagues are human beings too. Yes, even your manager, and the business owners! In the counselling world, there is a term called ‘Splitting’, which describes our tendency to only see certain parts of other people’s characters (and our own).

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Steve Twinley Steve Twinley

Empathy at Work

It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique perspective on things, influenced by their own history and experience, and whatever is happening for them in that moment. These different perspectives are often at the root of conflict at work - and our different personality traits will also influence how we act on these perspectives.

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