Do You Say “Should” a Lot?
The word ‘should’, and our internal belief system about the ‘right’ way to do things, comes from our Superego, which has been formed over the course of our lives through our parents, our upbringing and our schooling.
Carrot or Stick?
As a leader, you will already know that some situations clearly call for Carrot, and some for Stick. But what about the AMBIGUOUS ones, when the solution is less clear?
Recruitment & Sales in 2025
Relying on the resilience of your employees is only going to take you so far. The recruitment industry ALWAYS bounces back, and I have no doubt that it will do so again in 2025. HAVE to look after your people.
Reacting when people leave
There are many stories of managers who behave inappropriately after someone on their team has resigned. How can you treat people the right way, despite uncomfortable feelings around their departure?
What Does The Amygdala Do?
The amygdala controls our response to stress. It is thought that Anxiety stems from an overactive Amygdala - so what can you do if you experience anxiety yourself?
Counselling? Mentoring?
Counselling. Mentoring. Coaching. Therapy. What do they all mean? Sometimes it can be hard to know what you need.
The Johari Window
As a counsellor who supports people in pressurised jobs, much of my work is in the "Unknown" box of the Johari Window.
The Stress of Summer
The fact that some people want more counselling in the summer, while others want less, tells me that everyone is affected in different ways by the summer period.
Is Something “Off”?
Most teams have at least one high achiever. What can you do if you notice small signs that they might be struggling?
Unconscious Processes
Every experience we had growing up helped create the blueprint for our lives today. The career you chose, how you work with others, how motivated you are to earn money - everything is influenced somehow by our past.
Grieving at Work
Death and Bereavement - the biggest taboo at work? It can be so difficult to think clearly and know what to do after losing someone, while trying to stay focused and motivated in your job.
Time Before Meetings
It’s 10:12am and you have a meeting at 10:30am. What do you do with the next 18 minutes? Do you struggle to be productive during this ‘dead time’?